Hi, I am Farih

Farih Muhammad

Front End Engineer

Hi, I am Farih, a Professional Software Developer.

I commenced my professional journey in 2016 as a Web Front End programmer, engaging in a multitude of projects and contributing to the development of diverse applications. My expertise primarily revolves around the Front End aspect, encompassing web, mobile, and game applications.

I have a strong passion for technology and science. I enjoy coding and constantly seek opportunities to expand my knowledge and skills in building innovative solutions. It is this passion that drives my determination to excel and become a proficient engineer.

Self Motivation
Hard Working
Problem Solving



Front End Developer
Creatella Venture

Apr 2021 - Apr 2023, Singapore - Remote

Creatella is recognized company for their experience to build a startup from zero.

  • Implement and test Front End Application such as web or mobile.
  • Supportive and have a good Communication skill to complete the project.

Front End Engineer
Plexus Studio

Mar 2018 - Aug 2020, Bandung

Plexus.id recognized company for their experience in games, web based, mobile, AR and VR apps Development.

  • Implement and test Front End Application such as web, mobile, games, AR dan VR.
  • Supportive and have a good Communication skill to complete the project.
  • Learn New Technology for efficient and effective development process.

Front End Programmer
Gema Cipta Piranti

March 2016 - May 2017, Bandung

Software Dev Company

  • Build Front End part of School Lab Management Software

Front End Freelance

Aug 2020 - Apr 2020, Remote

Freelance Programmer

  • Build web, mobile apps for client
  • Bug fixing


MySLife Mobile App
MySLife Mobile App
Front End Programmer 2022

The project is about a social media app for specific content. I am working on this as a part of Creatella, build two apps, mobile for user and web for admin. All of the apps are made for mobile using react native framework.

Profile Web
Profile Web
Developer Jan 2021 - Present

This project is for this profile website. Modify from toha template made from hugo Static Site Generator to create kangfarih.github.io website.

Star Details
General Admin Demo
General Admin Demo
Developer Dec 2020 - Present

This project is made to demonstrate my experince to build an admin website when I was a part of Plexus.id Team. It was built with bootstrap based template and vanilla javascript.

Star Details
Interactive Web Video
Interactive Web Video
Developer 2020

The project is about a web player with clickable tag. I am working this as a freelancer for DreamTechnology. All of the apps made for web and build with plain web and jquery.

Company Profile Web
Company Profile Web
Front End Programmer 2019

The project is to build a company profile for VDP, Indessota, Natraco and 8Villages

Augmented Reality Apps
Augmented Reality Apps
Front End Programmer 2020

An augmented reality apps for simulate products of First4Figures. This the project that I am working with when I was part of Plexus.id Team. There are a Mobile apps with augmented reality feature and Web Apps for Admin to manage the content.

Casual Game Prototype
Casual Game Prototype
Front End Programmer 2020

The project is to build a prototype of casual game. It is when I was part of Plexus.id Team, and as a Front End Programmer I am helping Game Designer and Graphic Designer to build this game prototype.

Ragasukma Comic
Ragasukma Comic
Front End Programmer 2020

A mobile apps for reading and buy a comic made by Ragasukma. I was doing the project when still being part of Plexus.id Team. The application has been released to Google Playstore and can be downloaded. There is two kind of application, Mobile apps for End User and Web Apps for Admin.

Encrypted Audio Player
Encrypted Audio Player
Front End Programmer 2019

The project is about an audio player with encrypted data to play. I am working this as a freelancer, build two similar app, one for user and other for admin. All of the apps are made for mobile using react native framework.


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